12 Jan 2012

English Lesson Part I

Penggunaan Kalimat Verbal dan Nominal
Dalam bahasa Inggris, kendala pertama yang banyak ditemui di kalangan siswa khususnya tingkat SMA/Sederajat adalah bahwa rata-rata anak belum bisa membedakan kalimat Verbal dan Nominal sekalipun. 
Langsung aja nech....
1. Kalimat Verbal
    Kalimat verbal adalah kalimat yang berpredikat kata kerja (Verb)
    Contoh : I walk to school everyday
                    She teaches me some words of English
                    We went to Bali together last year
         atau   My father has gone to his office, etc.
2. Kalimat Nominal
    Kalimat nominal adalah kalimat yang berpredikat to be (Linking verb)
    Contoh : He is my cute sister
                    They are some clever students
                    You were here yesterday
                    It's been my address before, etc.

So, please be careful in making a sentence. Watch the purpose of the sentence, if it has an action, so we must make a verbal sentence (with verb), and if the sentence has no action (usually noun or adjective), we must make a nominal sentence (with to be).
Enough for the first writing, God willing (Insya Allah) I'll continue later. That's all...